A Few of our Favorite Recipes


Dressings, Sauces and Dips

Live Zing Dressing Recipe
3 medium-sized tomatoes
2 avocados
6 oz. raw cultured vegetables
5 oz. water
1/3 lemon, juiced

Mix ingredients in blender and serve over salad or anything else. Adjust or add other ingredients as desired, including garlic, seeds, nuts, honey, eggs, etc. If you want a salty flavor, add some good-quality salt or tamari.

Rejuvenative Raw Nut Butter and Raw Cultured Vegetable Dressing
3 oz. raw tahini
1 avocado, peeled and mashed
1 tomato, chopped
juice of 1⁄2 lemon
4 oz. raw cultured vegetables, chopped finely (Rejuvenative Foods’ Vegi Delight works well)

Blend ingredients in a bowl.
Add water to get desired consistency. You can substitute any nut butter for the tahini or raw cultured vegetable in this recipe.

Raw Cultured Salsa-Guacamole:
3 oz. live salsa (see above, or use Rejuvenative Foods’ Red, Green, or Golden Salsa)
1 avocado, mashed
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tsp nama shoyu (raw soy sauce)

Blend all ingredients in a bowl. Serve with fresh vegetables or tortilla chips.

Sunflower Sauce
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 cup minced red onion
2 tsp soy sauce or tamari
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup sunflower butter
1/2 cup coconut milk

Place ingredients in a bowl and blend together until smooth. Refrigerate.

White Miso Hempini Dressing/Dip
1/2 cup Hempini
3 Tbl. White miso
1/4 cup ginger juice
1/4 cup water

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Add more water if desired. 

Basil Hempini Pesto
4 cup coarsely chopped fresh basil leaves
1 cup hempini
1/2 cup olive oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1-2 tsp sea salt
optional: red or black pepper

In a blender in batches or in a food processor puree the basil with the hempini, the oil, the garlic, and salt to taste. To make into a dressing add water to desired consistency.


Burrito Wrap
The only tortillas I would recommend are either fresh organic corn tortillas or wheat (especially sprouted wheat) tortillas that are free of any leavening.

1 tortilla or 1 sheet of nori
1/4 cup brown rice, cooked
1/4 cup black beans, cooked
1/2 an avocado, sliced in thicknesses 1/4" to 1/2"
1/4 cup sprouts
¼ to1/2 cup  raw cultured red, gold, or green salsa (less for mushier, juicier salsa, more for chunkier, drier salsa

Heat up a tortilla (a cast iron pan works the best). Tracing a 1/2" to 1" wide line down the center of the tortilla, add brown rice, black beans, avocado, sprouts, and raw cultured live salsa (apply last, and let the heat of the tortilla bring the raw cultured vegetables up to room temperature). Then roll into a wrap and serve.

Pizza Wrap
1 tortilla or 1 sheet of nori
1 small tomato, sliced in thicknesses of 1/8" to 1/4"
1/4 cup goat cheese
Fresh basil
1/4 cup raw cultured vegetables

If you have a pizza or cheese craving and intend to satisfy it, I recommend this as the most healthful way, especially if you use goat cheese, which seems to inspire a more vibrant feeling after consumption than cow’s milk cheese. A little cheese can satisfy a lot of cheese craving, rolled with raw cultured vegetables and other vegetables in nori or a hot tortilla. One delicious idea is to heat the tortilla on a hot cast iron pan, then place the cheese on the tortilla to melt it just a bit before adding the other ingredients.

Napa Cabbage Roll
2 Napa cabbage leaves
1/4 cup raw cultured vegetables
1 avocado, sliced
1/4 cup raw crackers, crumbled up
1/4 cup pitted olives
1 garlic clove, minced

Take two Napa cabbage leaves and divide the rest of the ingredients in half. Place half of each ingredient on the Napa cabbage leaves. Then just roll up the filling in the cabbage leaves. Make these like a sushi roll that you roll up and assemble.

You can also make these with romaine lettuce, chard or any other strong leaf vegetable.

Vegetable Dishes

Mashed Potato With Hempini
5 medium potatoes
1 lemon, juiced
1/3 cup Hempini
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
1-2 teaspoons cumin
2 Tbls. extra virgin olive oil

Cube potatoes (do NOT peel) and boil in water until tender.      
Drain potatoes. Use a hand mixer to mix potatoes and rest of the ingredients except last 2.
Sprinkle with cumin and drizzle with olive oil.

Sautéed Potatoes with Raw Cultured Vegetables
2 to 4 tablespoons cold-pressed oil
4 potatoes, washed and sliced into rounds
1 leek, sliced
1 medium onion, chopped
1 broccoli, cut into flower segments
healthy salt to taste
1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
1/4 cup raw cultured vegetables

Start by adding a tablespoon or two of oil to a large, heavy cast-iron pan. Later, if the pan gets dry, add more oil, unless you’re at the very end of the cooking process. Just remember that more oil is generally better than less oil for this dish, and it’s hard to go wrong.

Any kind of potato will work for this meal. I prefer to use a variety of potatoes to provide a variety of taste sensations while eating it. I use about two-thirds to three-quarters non-sweet style potatoes. You may also try using some potatoes that were baked in advance the day before; you’ll experience the different textures of the potatoes that were baked in advance and those that weren’t.

Slice the potatoes into rounds, about 1/8" to 1/4" in thickness. Add to the oil in the pan over medium high heat and sauté with leeks, onions and broccoli. I find leeks are a great addition to sautéed food. I like to slice them into different thicknesses; the variety enhances the meal. Likewise, keep some of the broccoli flowers whole. You’ll want to keep moving the vegetables during the sauté process and add more oil as necessary. You may want to add 2 to 3 tablespoons of water and cover the pan for part of the process, to steam the vegetables.

The dish is done when the potatoes are browned on the outside and tender on the inside, about 15 to 20 minutes. Garnish with fresh cilantro and raw cultured vegetables.

Protein Course

Spinach Frittata
one large bunch spinach, about 3 cups chopped or 1/3 lb
2 to 3 tablespoons cold-pressed oil
1 cup flat-leaf parsley, chopped
3 tablespoons fresh mint or basil, chopped
10 eggs
1 cup cooked brown rice
Healthy salt and black pepper to taste
1 cup raw cultured vegetables

Trim the stems off the spinach and wash thoroughly, making sure to wash away all dirt and grit. Shake dry and chop coarsely.

In a large sauté pan, heat 1 to 2 tablespoons of oil. Add the spinach and fresh herbs and sauté until they wilt, about 2-3 minutes. In a large bowl, beat the eggs lightly. Stir in the cooked rice and the wilted spinach and herbs. In a large pan, heat 1 tablespoon of oil. Pour in the egg, spinach, and rice mixture, spreading evenly through the pan. Turn heat to low, cover, and cook for about 12 minutes. When the eggs on top are no longer runny, gently loosen the frittata from the sides and bottom of the pan.

Cut the frittata into 4 wedges for ease of flipping and brown a minute or so on the other side.

Cut the frittata into 8 wedges total and serve garnished with a scoop of raw cultured vegetables.

Non-Vegetarian Recipes

Roasted lamb and vegetables
1 4-lb. leg of lamb, with or without bone
health salt to taste
1 tablespoon cold-pressed oil
2 teaspoons, ginger minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 to 3 leeks, sliced in thicknesses of 1/8" to 1/4"
1 onion, sliced in thicknesses of 1/8" to 1/4"
1 to 2 carrots, chopped in 1/2" dice
1 to 2 parsnips, chopped in 1/2" dice
1 to 3 potatoes, chopped in 1/2" dice
1 cup raw cultured vegetables

I like to cook lamb with the bone in, that way you can eat the marrow, which is good for your own bones.

Preheat your oven to 375°. Use a heavy cast-iron pan that can go into the oven or a roasting pan that will hold the lamb and vegetables. As a lid, you can use a stainless steel bowl turned upside down on top; the bowl will sit much higher than a lid would, giving you plenty of room for your vegetables and lamb.

If using the cast-iron pan, on the stovetop, over medium-high heat, heat one tablespoon of oil in the cast-iron pan. Add ginger and garlic; when they begin to brown, add the lamb, turning several times to brown. (Alternatively, you can rub lamb with ginger and garlic and place it in a roasting pan. If this is the case, you may want to uncover for the last 30 minutes of cooking to brown the lamb). If you’re using salt, then sprinkle some on the lamb. I find that when I cook lamb without salt, I can taste the natural salty tinge of the lamb, especially the tasty charred parts around the edges. Add the rest of the ingredients: leeks, onions, carrots, parsnips, and potatoes. (You can also use, in addition to or instead of, and in any combination that feels comfortable, cubed eggplant, chopped zucchini, broccoli florets, or diced tomatoes.)

Then add a 1/2 cup of water, cover with a stainless steel bowl, and place in the oven for one to one and a half hours, depending on the size of the leg, about 12 to 15 minutes per pound. If you use a lot of vegetables, that can also increase the cooking time. I find a 4-lb. leg of about 5 inches in diameter, surrounded by a large amount of vegetables, will take about an hour and a half. Add some fresh pure (I like spring) water to get some steam action, which recirculates through the food, creating flavor enhancements that permeate the meat and vegetables as the steam permeates. If the pan gets too dry, adds more water.

To check if the lamb is done, insert a meat thermometer; it should be 130° to 135° for medium rare. Or you can slice into the lamb and check for doneness. For people who prefer to refrain from cutting into food while it’s cooking, I have the following ideas. One reason is their concern that the lamb won’t look as good for presentation purposes; if that concerns you, just cut off an out-of-the-way piece. Another reason is the fear that cutting into the meat will release the juices. To that I say it is true that near the slice may not be as juicy and tender, but even just 1/4" away will still be juicy.

For serving, slice the lamb and then either serve topped with raw cultured vegetables or with them on the side.